While Chris (a brother seminarian from New Hampshire) and I were making a snowman outside the Old City near Damascus Gate, a Polish woman named Danuta walked by. I'd met her the day before at adoration at the Fourth Station in the Armenian Catholic Church. I imagine there's quite a bit of a story behind the three Polish women there who run Adoration here in the Holy Land... how did they come here, what is their precise mission? She was very welcoming at the Adoration, and encouraging to me as a seminarian. Then I ran into her again while making the snow man... you realize this is a small community, particularly the Catholic community. If you were to live here for any significant time, I suspect you'd be networked in pretty quickly!
I hear there's lots of snow in the UP! I hope I get to cross-country ski a little bit when I get home! That's the end of this little ramble!
God Bless,
Cool! Never knew they could get snow in Jerusalem.
St. Mary's SSM
hi Ben and mike the holy city looks like the soo
hi guys,
i cant't believe that you got snow! we have quite a lot of snow also.Bishop Sample came to St.Mary's and i got to serve mass with him.Good luck
Jeremy of St.Mary's School.
I can imagine it would be odd to see snow and palm trees together outside a snow globe. We did have a pretty bad snow storm out here. It was more wind then snow though.
hey ben and mike.
did you have fun during your snow day.sorry about the tours that where canceled.cant wait till you come visit us again.
7th grade St. Marys
Wow, that is one spectacular snowman! If the snow was slushie, how did you get it to stick together? What is Damascus gate famous for?
St. Mary's School
Dear Ben & Mike,
Thanks for emailing our class back. We have a bulletin board downstairs at Resurrection where we have posted your map, pictures of you two, and articles that have appeared in the UP Catholic. That way it keeps everyone who doesn't hear from you informed, if they are interested.
Your time is getting short quickly. We wanted to answer your question about how far it is from here to there. Following are the kids responses. Some of the kids were going to go home and respond to you themselves. I hope they do. Thanks again for keeping in touch. Enjoy the remainder of your time.
Sandy B - Resurrection
Breanna says, "Thank you for emailing us. I am going to do what you said. Bye."
Hi, my name is Kayla (Bayerl) and we have lots of snow this year. It is unusual! Bye! Kayla
P.S. I think its 13,000 miles
Thanks, 7500 miles
Thank you for emailing us. Is it fun in Jerusalem? Bye! Cayla
P.S. I think it is 7,500 miles.
It's very well! We have huge snow hills! Talk to you later! Bye!
From Teja
P.S. I think it is 15,000 miles
Madison guesses 2,220 miles.
Greetings, St. Mary's in the Soo! Thanks for commenting so enthusiastically!
We didn't know they got snow here either. It did remind us of home though.
Jeremy... good work on the serving. You didn't drop anything, did you? That's always my worry.
Lot's of us were taking pictures precisely to capture the snow + palm trees. It doesn't seem like any of them died, so they must be able to handle the snow... Who knew?!
Haylie - Mike worked on his paper for one of our classes. I did a little homework, but mainly wandered around in the slush. Never fear, the tours were promptly rescheduled!
Kate... actually, I always thought the stickier the better. But, on the grass, it was just heavy and sticky, not quite slushy. The Damascus gate points north towards Damascus in Syria. For us, it's famous because St. Paul probably left from somewhere nearby for Damascus. It was on his journey there that he met the Risen Lord and became a Christian. Before that, he'd been busy persecuting Christians!
Thank you for your comments! Keep us in your prayers these last couple weeks of travel... Will we be seeing you at our Diaconate ordination, October 17th??
God Bless,
Mike & Ben
SandyB and company - we're going to respond to your guesses in the comment section of "Hello Menominee!"
Go over there and see if anyone won!
God Bless,
Mike & Ben
Hey! It's snowed a lot in Escanaba too! Yesterday we got a whole 9 1/2 inches. And two days ago we got 12 feet of snow! The wind was really bad so there's not much left =(
Holy Name - 6th grade
P.S. Hope you're having fun!!
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