Just a few minutes ago I got an email from Fr. Greg Heikkala, the Vocations Director for the Diocese of Marquette. (Mike is reading over my shoulder as I type.) He gave us the date when we will be ordained deacons - Friday, October 17th, 2008! It will be at 3:30 pm in St. Peter's Cathedral (
our St. Peter's). This is also the Memorial of St. Ignatius of Antioch. Can any of you students can tell me anything about him in a comment?
So, hopefully our families will either read this soon, or not be angry about not being the first to know! Just remember, folks, you heard it here first.
Especially since there will only be the two of us, there should be plenty of room at the cathedral! So, you're all welcome to come!

God Bless,
Ben (w/ Mike flying co-pilot)
what is the coolist thing u saw?!?!?!?!?
have you ever been ot the place were jesus was crusified? If you have how did it feel?
The St. Ignatius of Antioch is More than one of the earliest ecclesiastical writers have given credence, though apparently without good reason, to the legend that Ignatius was the child whom the Savior took up in His arms, as described in Mark 9:35. It is also believed, and with great probability, that, with his friend Polycarp, he was among the auditors of the Apostle St. John. If we include St. Peter, Ignatius was the third Bishop of Antioch and the immediate successor of Evodius (Eusebius, "Hist. Eccl.", II, iii, 22). Theodoret ("Dial. Immutab.", I, iv, 33a, Paris, 1642) is the authority for the statement that St. Peter appointed Ignatius to the See of Antioch. St. John Chrysostom lays special emphasis on the honor conferred upon the martyr in receiving his episcopal consecration at the hands of the Apostles themselves ("Hom. in St. Ig.", IV. 587). Natalis Alexander quotes Theodoret to the same effect (III, xii, art. xvi, p. 53).
Hey Guys! I'm so happy that you guys are going to become deacons! But i have a question.......How do you become a deacon? and How long does it take? I'm still happy for you!
Keisha 7th grade (From MCC:)
woohoo yey great news!! I'm going to be there.. Are you excited???
I hear you will be ordained a
deacon on October,2008,that was
cool. Soon I will be ordained a
priest. I am excited when you
will become a deacon.
Were you in Jerusalem during like Christmas? Wow this comment really has nothing to do with The Land of Milk and Honey but whatever. So when are you guys coming back to get beat in soccer again? Haha Oh and I am from St. MArys...Jessi
Good Luck Man
being in the holy land must give you a lot of grace.i wish i could visit there with my family,and my dog.i was there when you guys played guitar at sacred heart parish.i serve there.good luck,
jeremy hynes
Hey everyone, here's one response from Mike and I together:
Sam... there are so many places we've been: So far, my favorite has been praying in the Grotto of the Nativity (Ben) Mike says the Christmas Donkey (see Picasa pictures) but he's still considering.
Becca - read the post Mike just put up... we were there for Mass yesterday!
Bethany! Thank you for cutting and pasting.... where did you find that information? ;) Good work.
Keisha... Thanks for your support. It's a long process to prepare for ordination. Mike started in 2001 and I started in 2004. I can't really give you all the details here... Maybe we'll post on that. Thank you for the idea.
Philll... we're looking forward to seeing you and your school. Our excitement is mixed with some apprehension as well!
Bobby... Soon YOU will be ordained a priest? Tell us more! Maybe someday we'll be brother priests. Thanks for your encouragement.
Jessi... Have you read the blogs from December? Take a look... we actually got to be in Bethlehem, where Jesus was born, for Christmas. As for the soccer, just wait, we're in training in all our spare time. I hope you're ready for the rematch!
Jeremy... We wish you and your family AND your dog were here too!
God Bless,
Ben and Mike
Ben & Mike - Wow! thank you for your encouragement for all of us back home as you travel the "path - roads - the places" with Jesus! What an "awesome" exprerience - Thank you for relighting the fire for me, for Jesus is the way the truth and the light, CONGRATULATIONS on becoming a Deacon in October, St. Peters will be filled, you remain in my prayers and sacrifices, remain healthy and fall to rest in our prayers! Gayle
I'm so happy you're able to share the experience with us, thank you for your prayers!
God Bless,
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