I found myself in a dim grey light coming from a glass cupola crowning the domed atrium, hundreds of feet above me. It’s a bit like looking up from the bottom of an immense well, with encircling walkways half hidden behind arches the whole way up. In the center sits a squarish edifice probably three stories tall at the top of its dome, but dwarfed by the vast space where it rests. In this chapel is the sepulchre itself. At the time of Christ this would have been the garden where Mary Magdalene came ‘while it was still dark.’ The city gate and Mt. Calvary would have been within view (Mt. Calvary was part of a stone quarry at the time).
In the sepulchre lies the stone slab that Jesus’ body was placed upon. Here Peter and John saw Jesus' burial cloths lying. Mary Magdalene stayed outside the tomb after the others left- she stooped to look into the tomb; the stone had been rolled aside. She saw two angels in white, sitting where the body of Jesus had lain, one at the head and one at the feet. They said to her, "woman, why are you weeping?"
-"Because they've taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they've lain Him." (She thought His body had been stolen)
Then she turned around, and saw Jesus standing.
She didn't recognize Him, until He said her name, "Mary..."
What an incredible moment! What would it have been like to see Jesus die: dear friend and Lord, teacher and brother- to prepare and lay His body in the tomb, to sit in vigil red eyed and weeping- then to see Him living again? Think of how amazing it will be when we die and, in hope, see again those we love who have gone before us! How much better will it be to finally see the face of Christ!? I wish I knew Christ like Mary Magdalene does, or John the Evangelist. I think if we knew ourselves and were able to see into our depths, we would find that that's all anyone every really desires.
Lord Jesus, come into our hearts- may we pick up our crosses and die with you so that we may too rise again- I pray you will relive in us your submission to the Father, and make yourself known in a powerful way to those back home on whose behalf I make this pilgrimage.
Hey this is my first comment on here. Sounds like you guys are having a good time, i guess i have some catching up to do on these blogs to see everything that you have done. just a few updates on what's going on here in esky, first fr. mike will be leaving st. anne's in febuary to go to marquette to do his work there :(, we will be trying to get the college group going again, my 6th-8th grade CCD class is a handful, and the kids that i do prison missionary with is very good (one of the kids is talking about being a pries, or pastor, he isn't sure if he prefers catholicism or protestent so i will be giving him some books), and also i don't know if you know or not, but mike ur cousin mike is engaged to cheri, but i'm guessing u knew that. so hope everything is going good there....oh also ben, i would like to do some missionary work for a summer, so when u get back i would like to get infor on that thx.
Todd, Escanaba.
Hey Todd- you're a good man, great to hear from you! Thanks for serving our community back home. What kind of mission work are you looking at? I did Totus Tuus for a summer in Colorado and Wyoming- you should check that out- their website is
There's also Totus Tuus in many other Dioceses as well- (some that are closer to home, others farther)
You travel around with a group of 3 other people, staying in each place for a week and putting on a k-12 sort of Catechesis camp. I would HIGHLY recommend it!
If you want more long term work you should try FOCUS missionaries, or NET team- both excellent programs. If you don't know another language, I'd recommend not going to a foreign country (if you're only going for a summer- but if you would go longer than you could just start your trip with a few weeks at a language school to get the basics).
Todd, pray for us to become holy priests- keep working toward the salvation of souls!
God bless,
My mom and I were wondering how they know that the slab in the sepulchre is the actual one that Jesus was laid on? The same question applies with the church of the Nativity and the exact spot that he was born. We were just curious to see how it was documented and if it was explained while you were there. We are so enjoying reading of your travels! God bless you and your fellow Pilgrims!
Gen Angeloff & Nancy McIntyre (Mike and Austin, too!)
Gen, Nancy, Mike, & Austin!
I'm going to write a blog on this issue of the historicity of the holy sites, so keep your eyes peeled. I should have it up in a day or two!
God Bless,
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