A note to our Catholic School Students who read this blog: living in a conservative Muslim society in Palestine (Bethlehem) and now in the primarily observant Jewish culture of Jerusalem, I see that you are exposed to so many things that you shouldn’t be. I wish that you were being formed instead by beauty and truth and goodness. In other cultures there are filters to protect youth from seeing and hearing many things. I think m
any people here would be shocked at the crass and inappropriate content of movies targeted at youth in our country, the violence in videogames, clothes sold to you in stores, the lyrics of songs that you hear on the radio... (of course these thing have had their effect on me as well)

I want to challenge you then, since society isn’t doing it for you, to decide what you allow yourself to be filled with: will this book bring me closer to Christ? Will this TV show? Do these clothes express that I have dignity and self-respect? You aren’t too young to decide what kind of person you are!
If you want to know what you're filled with now, there's an easy test: try and pray silently for three minutes. At the end, write down whatever came into your head- The silence reveals to us our attachments. Are we filled with distraction? With Christ? With movie quotes, the desire for Little Caesar's pizza, thoughts of jealousy or anger?
I challenge you to think about and evaluate what you allow into your life.

Hey... here's my 10 cents... 10 shekels, I mean. If I look at the entertainment, or clothes, or books in my life, the question I have to ask, I try to ask is this: Does this bring me closer to what is most beautiful, most joyful, most true, to the very best? In the language of our Catholic tradition: Holiness! Which isn't boring or drab or out of style... rather it's what is really most authentic, and best, right to the core. In most traditional cultures, this is done for young people to a large degree by their parents, by their tribe. Now, things run pretty unfiltered. So, it's up to YOU! Tell us what you think!
That's sort of shocking how they actually ban you from walking there if your in immodest clothes.
But what if someone was really poor, and they couldn't afford nice blouses and they were missing buttons, or they couldn't afford tp buy a new one even if that one was too small? And what if they belonged to that community, then would the other people still have to deal with that they were to small or sort of exposing?,
that one was from Kate!
from kate
Hey guys!
Wow! This sign sure makes a clear distinction of values between this society and others around the world. I think this would be great for the entrance to Mass (with a few minor adjustments to include male clothing). I don't think it would work though; the list would be too long.
Keep the lines of communication coming. Hope to see you soon!
Ms. Gilbert
It's understandable that everyone cannot provide proper size or nice clothing for themselves. The 7 corpral works of mercy: 1, feed 2, drink, 3, clothe, 4 shelter, 5, visit, 6, Ransom captive, 7, bury dead.
As Christians, we should help those in need. Clothe the naked. If we can help, we should... If this is their choice, #6 Ransom the Captive: For those who are held captive to addictions, help is needed by giving our time & Love to show them there is a better way through and in Jesus Christ and supporting them in their struggle to free themselves from the snares of the devil.
Shepard, ST. Anne's Church
Dear Mike & Ben,
Thank you both for all the great information you are sending from the Holy Land home to us in the Great Lakes. What an exciting pilgrimage to be journeying the footsteps of Christ! Christmas in Bethlehem must have been totally awesome! Wow!
I am currently teaching 4th, 5th and 6th grade religious ed at Resurrection parish. Your email was posted there last week and the children are very interested in hearing about your adventures as we are studying the times of Abraham and his decendants. Making their education more interesting by hearing from someone who is actually there will be a real treat.
Mike, we miss you here in Menominee. The kids are so excited that you want to be a part of their education as some of them know you. Having you challenge them would be a great learning experience, especially because they remember you. If you could come visit when you get home, that would be super.
We will pray for you. Please pray for the Holy Spirit to touch the hearts and souls of these kids. There is so much to learn.
Here is what they wrote for the two of you.
Dear Mike & Ben,
This is the most important question I wanted to ask you guys. Before I forget my name is Kayla in fourth grade at the Resurection. My question is Did you like the places you've seen so far and did you like it?
Dear Mike & Ben
Hi my name is Courtney. I am in sixth grade. The place that you are in sounds so cool. The question I want to ask you is what is the most amazing thing you have seen so far?
Dear Mike & Ben 5th grade
My name is Hailee I want to ask you if you rode on a camal? Is it hot there? Were do you sleep at night? That all I want to ask so. Oh, one more the when you come back cn you come to Reseretion Church. Could you bring me somthing back from there? Now I'm done for real ok bye. Thanks.
Dear Mike & Ben
Hi My name is Deanna, I am in 4th grade. How far is the place you are in from here? Where do you sleep at night? The place you are in sounds so cool. Well bye.
Dear Mike & Ben
Can you please visite all the class rooms in our Church. I am a Fourth-grader and my name is Bryce. from Bryce Andre
Dear Mike & Ben
What is it like there? I'm in 5th grade.
Dear Mike & Ben
Hi. Fourth-Grader
Dear Mike & Ben
I have a qustin for you. How is it up there? I am in forth grade.
Sam A
5th Grade
Dear Mike & Ben
My question is when u get back can u come and talk to us in Mrs. B.'s class 4-5-6.
Dear Ben and Mike,
I was wondering what the weather is like. I can't think of anything else to ask you. Thanks. BYE!
Love Teja Tonn
Dear Ben & Mike
I was wondering if you would ever want to go back to Bethlehem and have Christmas there.
Abby Dufrane
Dear Ben & Mike,
I was wondering how the weather in where you are is compared to our weather.
Madison McDonnell
Hey Guys.
Our class really miss you. Wow that is just crazy that you cannot wear any clothes you want. I wonder if it really makes that much of a difference.
Come back soon,
Miko Filon MCC
That sign was cool.
wow thats crazy that they are so strict about the clothing you wear!
and why did they have G-D on the sign instead of GOD?
Ok... SandyB, we'll put up a separate comment after this one to respond to your class!
Kate... THANK YOU FOR RESPONDING! We really appreciate your concern for people who might not be able to buy new clothes all the time. It is true that there are many poor people.
I'm not so sure that's often the case. It may happen sometimes, but we see people spending lots of EXTRA money to wear immodest clothes.
Both Mike and I have lived in Central America, Mike in Honduras and me in El Salvador. I was always surprised how careful people were to be as well-dressed as possible for work or church, etc. Even if the clothes were old and stained, you could tell they were carefully washed, mended, and even ironed. It actually made me a lot more careful about how I dressed so as not to be disrespectful.
Ms. Gilbert... that's a good point, it's quite common for different societies or religions to have distinct standards for dress. For instance, Jewish men HAVE to cover their heads for prayer, whereas most Christian men take off their hats when going into church.
Thank you for bringing up Mass! It does seem to be a big problem, it's so common to see people dressed in a way that seems way too casual or even inappropriate. It's a hard issue to challenge people on, because you want them to come to Mass, but you also want them to treat it with the reverence and love it deserves.
How does this apply to men? Maybe in terms of sloppiness or what shirts say on them. It probably needs to be applied to the way guys talk, too.
Matt, thank you for taking it to the essential spiritual level. Mike and I deeply appreciate your faithfulness.
God Bless,
Mike & Ben
wow, when you hear that it makes you wonder, like how do we live that way we do.
like you listen to the music and stuff on tv and its really not christ like
but i guess that its what you make of it so if you look at it anddont act like that then i guess your ok.
rachel klitzke
Thank you for putting the kids on! We look forward to future comments!
We're going to make a post out of our reply... we will certainly pray for you and your students. We're actually both going to be pretty tight for the next 6 months, we just don't have any long breaks. But, we'll try hard to make a visit.
God Bless,
Mike & Ben
Miko - We're not actually sure if they enforce that or how in that specific neighborhood. You can see the impact, though, as you walk down the street. It seems like culture enforces it through social expectation. So, there does seem to be a difference. You could call it good "peer pressure."
Bobby - glad you liked the sign!
Phill - that's a great question. We're going to write a little post about it! Stay tuned!
Rachel - Thanks for thinking about this seriously. It's exciting to us that you recognize that not everything you see or hear is Christ-like. It is true that a lot depends on how you respond to things.
In just a few words... can we take in a lot of junk, or at least stuff with junk mixed in, and not be affected? Everyone is trying to make their image, their lyric, stick in your memory. And, oftentimes they're pretty successful. Think about the way you find yourself humming a song, or repeating a catchphrase from a movie. What about attitude or perspective, which is so much less concrete, but maybe even more penetrating?
Mike and I don't necessarily have a good or pat answer for you. But... keep examining critically what you allow into your life. Does it make you better, stronger, truer?
There is a deep spiritual truth that may not seem real at first: we either grow closer to Christ, or we fall away. We don't just stand still. Does what you're watching, listening to, wearing, etc. bring you and others closer to Christ!?
God Bless,
Mike & Ben
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